Regular Washdown Service

It is my strong belief that one can over wash a boat. In fact nearly all
detergents and shampoos and washes are designed to lift grease and WAX. So it is my advice that if you’re wanting to achieve maximum duration out of your freshly waxed boat then one would mix very weak brews of boat wash or allow your boat to become a little dirty once in a while and wash less frequently. Your waxed boat will thank you so will your wallet.

But if you really do want your beautiful boat to be mint all the time no problem were here to help. I would advise perhaps upping the polish from annual to biannual.

Interior cleaning

Interior cleaning is best done with a specific written list of tasks required. All to often expectations and results can be mismatched without that list.

We at Auckland Marine Boat Valet Ltd
are fully trained in commercial cleaning with years of experience, so interior work is second nature.

We are well versed with fabrics and surfaces and have all the necessary upholstery and carpet equipment to achieve best results.